Moms Relax With Magazines, Trust Them, Along with Newspapers According to the Parenting Group's 24/7 MomConnection study, in a typical week almost 100% of moms have
watched TV, been online, listened to the radio or received a direct mail promotion; 91% of moms shopped at a retail store; 88% of moms have read a magazine; and 86% have used a cell phone. And, moms
are using emerging media, but not on a regular basis - in a typical week, only 33% have watched video-on-demand, 32% have read a blog, and 17% have listened to an iPod.
Jeff Wellington, Vice President and Group Publisher of The Parenting Group, said "We... needed to go beyond conventional audience and engagement analysis to demonstrate the specific ways that moms use
media differently than any other demographic."
Among the key findings of The 24/7 of Mom study:
- Contrary to
the scheduling of traditional morning and evening news programming, the study found that moms are most receptive to informative and educational messages in the afternoon
- Comedy and entertainment messaging resonates best with moms in the evening
- Blogs and newspapers get most of mom's attention, even if
she's doing other things
- Moms are most likely to multi-task while listening to the radio, and 1 in 5 moms said that when the TV is on, it's for their kids -
so they're not paying attention
- Newspapers and magazines are moms' most trusted sources of information, followed by web sites, radio, TV and doctors' offices
- Moms view hand-held organizers and cell phones as the tools that are most likely to help make their lives easier
- Moms turn
to magazines to help them relax more often then any other platform
- 27% of moms would pay to eliminate online advertising; 24% would pay to stop email
advertising; 23% would do the same for TV, radio and blogs
You can explore more about this study with The Parenting Group, or the survey group here.