Most cable customers must either pay more for sports access to football games or go without. Cable companies offer the NFL Network in more expensive packages, but AT&T provides it in its standard package.
In white letters on a bright orange background, the ad that ran in Dallas, Los Angeles and among many other markets boldly states "AT&T Advanced TV shows NFL Network. Charter doesn't." The name of the cable company changes to reflect the market.
The ad appeals to the football fan's love of the game. "Will the Patriots go undefeated? Will the Giants be the spoiler? Either way, it's a chance to watch history in the making. That is, if you have NFL Network. It's one more reason you need AT&T Advanced TV." The ad suggests consumers visit their nearest AT&T store to get connected.
The new ad campaign attempts to communicate the differences between AT&T's services and those of cable companies like Time Warner, Charter and Suddenlink, according to Brad Mays, AT&T spokesman. "AT&T offers better control and richer high-definition content," he tells Marketing Daily.
Adding to the new print ads designed by BBDO Worldwide, AT&T also began airing a TV spot dubbed "Intervention" earlier this month in several markets.
Football fanatic Carl Benninger, operational manager at Torrance, Calif.-based American Polystyrene, had U-Verse installed two weeks ago at his home in Orange Country, Calif. "I'm surprised at the clarity of the picture," he says. "I only pay $94 per month for the first six months, and that includes U-verse and Internet access."
Benninger says staying with Dish Network would have cost him $107 for the service and another $10 to $15 per month for the NFL Network.
The National Football League has been at odds with cable companies for not carrying some games and requiring consumers to pay extra to catch the action. The NFL wants cable companies to include the NFL Network in their basic packages, but cable companies like Time Warner say it will cost them too much to air the content without charging a fee.