
Watching ads . . . and enjoying them!

Last night I came across a great commercial. Not sure it's new in the industry, but it's new to me and it was fascinating. The entire commercial was a headshot of a model. The headshot transformed from before hair, make-up, lighting, and photoshop…to after. The transformation was unbelievable. I was almost unable to remember what the model’s face looked like only 50 seconds earlier. The commercial ended with the word’s “No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted.” While the commercial was airing, a pop-up entered the bottom left corner; the agency, production, and director of the commercial were listed. As it turns out, the commercial was on Firebrand.

Firebrand is sort of the “YouTube” for the best tv commercials. Now, I realize a program of only commercials is not for everyone. But, I ended up watching a full half hour of Firebrand because it was actually pretty entertaining. Firebrand basically filters out all the crap, and includes only what they consider to be the “hottest spots on television.” Firebrand has no original content, just tv ads created by top directors and agencies.

I can’t really see myself visiting to watch commercials one after the other on a regular basis . . . but I also wasn’t expecting to spend a full half hour of my evening watching commercials and enjoying them either. Interesting.

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