
Slow Web Radio

Slow Web Radio on Memorial Day

Fewer people than usual listened to Internet radio stations on the Memorial Day holiday. "Web radio listening on Memorial Day was down 60 percent from the previous Monday," noted MeasureCast CEO Ed Hardy. " We typically see on-line radio listening decrease during national holidays because fewer people sit at their computers."

Demographic Highlights for the Week of May 27 - June 2
- 76% of all listening occurred between 5 a.m. Pacific and 5 p.m. Pacific
- The peak listening day was Wednesday, May 29, with 23% of all total time spent listening occurring this day.
- 11% of the week's TTSL took place over the weekend.
- 29% of Internet radio listeners were between the ages of 25 and 34.
- 58% were younger than 35, 30% were younger than 25, and 6% were older than 55.
- In the U.S., 32% of listeners resided in the South; 30% lived in the West, 20% were in the Northeast, and 17% tuned in from the Midwest.
- 69% of listeners were men; 31% were women.
- Top streaming nations include the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan and Mexico.

The MeasureCast Top 10 Internet Radio Networks for May 2002

RankNetworkCume Persons
1Clear Channel Worldwide853,872
2Radio Free Virgin560,027
3Warp Radio 391,089
4Stream Audio282,016
5Virgin Radio285,730
6Internet Radio Inc.569,589
8New York Times – WQXR 89,668
9Standard Broadcasting59,320
10Public Interactive125,261
Cume Persons is an estimate of the total number of unique listeners who had one or more listening sessions lasting five minutes or longer during the reported time period.

You can find out more here.

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