Sports Illustrated Digital Picks CheckM8

  • June 6, 2008
CheckM8's AdVantage, which provides advanced technologies for ad serving and rich media to the online advertising industry, has been chosen by, the Web site of Time Inc.'s Sports Illustrated, as an in-house solution to deliver high-performance ad formats.

Before making a final selection, SI Digital put CheckM8 through a series of tests to help the Time Inc. division meet a number of key objectives including: maximize revenue by creating premium ad inventory and products for advertisers; productize without compromise of the users' editorial experience and minimize manual labor, production cycle, and standard ad server dependency on hard-coded ad positions.

CheckM8 delivered by empowering SI digital to design a custom array of ad opportunities, including a page skin offering and a mini-sized expandable banner with page push-down functionality to avoid covering any content.

SI Digital also can now offer any popular ad format (such as Welcome Ads or Float Overs) to its online advertisers without requiring a third-party rich media vendor. The new formats support any type of creative as well as advanced streaming video delivery and reporting.

--Tanya Irwin

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