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A Review Of 'Always Be Testing'

  • ClickZ, Wednesday, August 13, 2008 2:15 PM
Mike Grehan reviews "Always Be Testing," the latest book from Future Now cofounder Bryan Eisenberg and John Quarto-vonTivadar. "The Web is awash with opinions and ideas on best practices in search marketing, but there's not so much about best practice testing," Grehan says. "This book fills the gap."

The authors of "Always Be Testing" make liberal use of real-world examples of how companies used simple and complex tests to increase conversions, and offer methods for figuring out what to test and how to test. They also encourage the use of Google's Web site Optimizer tool.

"Given that you do have an understanding of A/B and multivariate testing, the book provides some extremely useful insights and you can be on your way to testing Web pages and elements very quickly," Grehan says. "The authors are good communicators and the book is written in a way that offers a kind of two-way dialogue. It forces readers to ask themselves many questions and create a plan before jumping in feet first."

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