
EuroRSCG 4D - iShares

  • by August 26, 2008

Finalist Use of Widgets

Chadwick Greenhalgh; Todd Greco; Paul Tarmina; Lee Ann Bird; John Hopwood

The ishares index leaders and trailers widget monitors investment markets right on the desktop, perfect for day traders, professional investors and financial advisors. Users can see the previous day's leading and trailing indexes, select other time frames and index categories, sort columns by name and returns, and see the related iShares Fund ticker for each index name. Clicking once sends the user to for fund details and in-depth research. The widget scored an installation rate of 27 percent. Investors visit 1.6 times weekly; 54 percent click through to the Index Returns Chart on; and 34 percent link directly to the iShares etf fund details page that correlates with the selected index.

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