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Google News Optimization Tips

Getting your articles indexed and ranked in Google News should be simple enough, if you follow these tips Ann Smarty has culled from a number of blog posts and her own field research.

First, make sure you've got the minimum technical and content requirements -- that is, publish articles at least three times per day, give each article a unique H1/H2 tag that matches the page's title, and make sure the URLs seem static. For the overall site, try to have more than one author (each with their own page), include your organization's name and a logo/tagline that clearly indicates which industry you're covering.

More anecdotal tips include developing a news sitemap, including images and video, if possible, as well as crafting articles that are longer than 200 words. "Too small articles seem to be filtered out," Smarty says. Also, if you're covering local news, make sure to give the city name and/or zip code prominent placement. "City name should probably be in a page title to get included in Google local news," she says.

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