Credit Card Come-Ons Keep Falling

  • November 6, 2008
If the nation's ongoing credit crunch can be measured by the decline in credit-card offers being mailed to consumers, there's no relief in sight.

Mintel Comperemedia says that the total estimated volume for credit-card acquisition offers mailed in the third quarter was just 1.34 billion--a 13% decline from the second quarter, and a 28% drop from the same quarter a year ago.

Mintel says that represents a three-year low and reflects card-marketers' awareness that in this environment, "blanketing Americans with credit card offers doesn't translate to increased sign-up or card usage," as well as a cost-saving measure to deal with their "unprecedented financial problems."

The top three mailers for the quarter are Chase, Capital One Bank, and American Express.--Sarah Mahoney



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