Uriah Av-Ron
Member since June 2003Contact Uriah- Partner/Founder Oasis Public Relations
- http://www.oasis-pr.com
- 61 Mishmar Hayarden Street
- Tel Aviv
- 6986531 ISR
Oasis Public Relations is a PR agency helping Israeli technology companies secure press and analyst coverage in North American, European and Asian media
Articles by Uriah All articles by Uriah
- Advertising Community: America Needs Our Help in
Search & Performance Marketing Daily on
Now is the time for Madison Avenue to communicate the fairness of the election and empower citizens to make America's democracy more participative. Search should play a critical role both as a marketing vehicle and as a research tool.
- Why Seoul Is Media, Ad City Of The Future in
MediaDailyNews on
If you're looking for the future, look to Seoul instead of CES. In this city, consumers were able to make mobile phone calls on subways below ground and watch TV via their mobile phones on seven channels - in 2010.
- Social Media: A Channel/Tactic, Not A Strategy in
Marketing Daily on
Social media has created some exciting and productive opportunities to engage with prospects that were not possible a few short years ago. Before you start to plan your next social media campaign, ask yourself: is your content compelling, engaging and relevant to your prospects?
- Peoria? Great! But Will It Play In Petah Tikvah? in
Online Media Daily on
Considering all of the criticism leveled at Hollywood for 'not getting digital distribution', there is one thing that they have gotten right these last
- What We Can Learn From The Election Campaigns in
Online Media Daily on
As a U.S. citizen, I am inspired by this election process which culminated in President-elect Barack Obama's historic victory. And as a publicist working in digital marketing, I found a lot of valuable learning experiences from his campaign that are extremely relevant to online marketers.
Comments by Uriah All comments by Uriah
- Advertising Community: America Needs Our Help
Uriah Av-Ron
(Search & Performance Marketing Daily on
Frank, thanks for taking the time to comment. I don’t expect everyone in Trump’s base to become Biden fans (not everyone who voted for Biden is a fan). But I believe there are ways to communicate that Biden did indeed win the election fairly. And then it’s up to Biden to prove his value as president over the next four years.
- Tensions Between President Trump And Businessman Trump
Philip Rosenstein
(Red, White & Blog on
Steve -- there is a big difference between the potential conflicts of interest that Hillary Clinton faced regarding the Clinton Foundation because the Clinton foundation is a non-profit organization providing charity. Donald Trump would stand to benefit financially benefit from the potential business dealings with Argentina and / or Japan.
- Why Your Influencer Strategies Shouldn't Be Managed By Your Media Team
Paolo Pazzia
(Marketing: CPG on
Hi Paolo -- thanks for clarifying. We actually agree. I didn't realize that you were referring to ad agency media when you wrote media.
- Why Your Influencer Strategies Shouldn't Be Managed By Your Media Team
Paolo Pazzia
(Marketing: CPG on
Interesting post, Paulo, though I'm not sure I understand why influencer strategies shouldn't be managed by the media team. The media team can manage continuous / on-going influencer outreach so that it's not a 'one-off'.
- The Addressable Election
Peter Pasi
(Marketing: Politics on
Interesting piece, Peter. Thanks for sharing. As for 'tactics alone don’t win campaigns.', I don't know. I certainly can see future candidates pushing specific messages based on the demographic makeup of the audience they need in order to win on election day.
- For Immediate Release: More BS
George Simpson
(MediaDailyNews on
Great post, George. Though, as you know, sometimes we're asked to include some of those terms. Jakob Nielsen got it right when he said: …look at how you present the company in the main copy on the home page. Rewrite the text to say exactly the opposite . Would any company ever say that? If not, you’re not saying much with your copy, either. http://37signals.com/svn/posts/3409-writing-tip-say-the-opposite
- Check In Your Own Damned Self!
Steve Smith
(Data and Targeting Insider on
Great post, Steve. I totally agree with you -- it's incredibly difficult to change behavior. Marketers are going to have to offer users exchanges of value for the 'checking in' trend to continue. As a side not, there are those (outside of MSM) who even feel Twitter isn't going mainstream (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2010/09/03/businessinsider-twitter-mainstream-2010-9.DTL)
- Making A Comeback From A PR Crisis
Ronn Torossian
(Marketing Daily on
Does Al Gore really need to go about clearing his name in the court of public opinion? I always felt that Mr. Gore came across as dry and boring, so this might not have hurt his image. As I doubt Mr. Gore will return to politics, I don't think there is much for him to do. If he's intent in doing something, I think it would be better for his ex-wife to do the talking, as she'd be more credible than he in a situation like this. Unless the Gore team see this story lingering in the first two pages of Google, I'm not sure there is much if anything for them to do.
- SMS + TV = Teachable Moment
Steve Smith
(Mobile Insider on
Enjoyable and informative piece, as always. The importance of texting / Twitter to TV was made in a recent NY Times piece about the implementation of Twitter in FiOS TV: The Twitter service has been a hit, with more than a million FiOS customers using it within the first three days. But Mr. Zafar mistakenly believed that people wanted to read tweets on the TV and use their computers to send them. “We didn’t allow people to send tweets from their remotes,” he said. “We thought you mostly lean back and want to see what other people say. In four hours after the product went live, we had hundreds of requests, ‘Can I tweet on the TV now?’ ” Within two days, Verizon added that feature; users tap out messages on the number pad on the remote as if they were sending a text message on an older cellphone. And here's a link to the complete article: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/07/business/07cable.html?_r=1
- Think You Know PR? Think Again
Vanessa Horwell
(Marketing Daily on
Hi Vanessa, As a PR practitioner, I agree with most of what you have written, but I don't understand why one can't write a press release in a way that a story is told? I have written several press releases this year which didn't begin with 'Company, X, the leading..., announces Y' which still managed to generate press coverage for my clients. Though there are other ways to reach out to reporters, which can be more effective at times, the press release can still be an effective vehicle for securing press coverage. Instead of shooting the messenger (the press release), we should focus on ways to improve the message -- the story we tell in our press releases. Thanks,Uriah

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