Will Kassoy
Member since November 2011Contact Will- CEO AdColony
- http://adcolony.com/index.php
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- Twitter: will.kassoy
- Los Angeles California
- 90049 USA
Will Kassoy is Chief Executive Officer of AdColony, and brings over 20 years of general management, mobile advertising and consumer marketing experience to his position. Prior to joining AdColony, Mr. Kassoy served at Activision Blizzard in a variety of strategic and operational leadership roles. Prior to joining Activision, Mr. Kassoy held roles at The Walt Disney Company (Disney Interactive, Disney Publishing), AIA (Paris, France based consulting firm in artificial intelligence and expert systems) and began his career at Capitol Records/EMI in Hollywood, CA. Mr. Kassoy holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics/Business from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Articles by Will All articles by Will
- Could Mobile Video Be The New Out-of-Home Media For Today's Generation? in
Marketing: Entertainment on
Now that we've had our fill of turkey, cranberry sauce, family and football, it's time to discuss the change that signals the real coming of winter here in Los Angeles - the home of all things entertainment. I'm not talking about the cooler air - although temperatures in the low 60s do send us Angelenos in search of scarves and gloves - I'm talking about the onslaught of the fall and winter TV billboards.
- Mobile Is Growing Up: Three Reasons Every Brand Should Optimize For Mobile This Fall in
Marketing: Entertainment on
Mobile is officially growing up. Where mobile execs were once relegated to the clich of "trying to get a seat" at the brand marketing table, mobile is on track to eclipse broadcast radio and print in terms of ad budgets this year. Mobile platforms, technology providers and even internal brand evangelists have steadily staked their claim to that proverbial seat, but three trends in just the past six months have converged to give mobile a permanent place - if not an engraved placard - at the "grownups" marketing table. And with the fall season upon us, mobile content providers should also pay attention.
- TV Media + Mobile Video = One-Two Punch! in
Marketing: Entertainment on
Leveraging the second screen to maximiz your TV ad buy and deliver the perfect marketing mix cocktail of awareness, engagement and ROI
- Is Your Media Plan Ready For The YouTube Generation? in
Marketing: Entertainment on
Much of the growth in mobile video has been driven by the YouTube generation - some 40% of all YouTube's traffic comes from tablets and smartphones now - and that trend shows no signs of stopping. While that's great for YouTube, it's not so great for the marketers that desperately want to reach that audience, but are either unwilling or unable to take advantage of the myriad mobile video platforms that deliver said audience on a silver platter. To illustrate, many of the top-ranked apps in the Apple App/Google Play stores have the ability to deliver broader reach than a primetime airing of ESPN's SportsCenter!
- How Do Brands Define Success On Mobile Video? in
Marketing: Entertainment on
As the mobile ecosystem explodes, entertainment brands of all sizes are looking for ways to utilize the channel to deliver their messages and build demand. Mobile video is proving to be an extremely effective and valuable marketing channel for brands, and it is currently the fastest-growing ad format in all of mobile. When delivered with the right technology, with the right content, to the right audience, mobile video advertising can deliver impact even greater than television advertising.
- Why Mobile Video Will Grow Even Faster Next Year in
Marketing: Entertainment on
With a fast-growing smartphone market, improved connection speeds and more advantageous data plans available - combined with an appetite for more engaging content - there's every reason to believe that mobile video will be a powerful channel for advertisers.
- Need Vs. Want: Mobile Video Advertising Based On A State of Mind in
Marketing: Entertainment on
Mobile has reached mass market scale where now over 50% of the U.S. population is actively using a smartphone or tablet. Globally, 1 in 7 consumers has a mobile device and NPD Group recently reported that there are now over 500 million smartphones and tablets in the U.S. alone - representing more devices than people. Additionally, consumers are spending over two hours of time a day in mobile apps, on par with online usage, so in-app advertising has become a marketing channel you can't ignore. Innovation in mobile video ad tech provides marketers with a wealth of targeting options, enabling them to reach these audiences more effectively and efficiently. Yet underlying this is the essential crux that an advertiser must understand first and foremost: what is their consumer's state of mind?
- Mobile: The New Driver Of Reach To The Mass Market in
Marketing: Entertainment on
It wasn't so long ago that we relied on TV to reach the mass market. Anyone who advertised during the Super Bowl - or "The Carol Burnett Show" for that matter - could reach a huge percentage of American households. A generation ago, advertising on ABC, NBC or CBS would get you into the majority of American homes, and command the attention advertisers today can only dream about. Back then, multi-tasking meant eating popcorn and watching "The Ed Sullivan Show" at the same time. Advertisers didn't have the battle for attention they have now.
- How NOT To Fail At Mobile Video: 5 Tips in
Marketing: Entertainment on
It's very exciting to see how mobile video is taking off these days. I'm pretty passionate about the medium, obviously, so I'm always excited to see brands launching video ads that are optimized for tablets and smart phones. I know it works, and I know they'll see great results. Except ...
- Engaging The Multi-tasker: 3 Ways People Consume Entertainment in
Marketing: Entertainment on
Recently, I sat down with executives from CNN, Unicorn Media, and Acta Wireless to discuss mobile video as a marketing channel. While we generally agreed that mobile video advertising has a promising future -- and a not-too-distant future, at that -- we had a lively discussion around the various benefits of, and obstacles to, success. Louis Gump, VP of Mobile for CNN, brought up some interesting points about how consumers are using mobile in conjunction with their TV viewing. His comments made me think about the many experiences consumers can have involving TV and mobile devices, particularly with respect to the Presidential debates that CNN was airing that evening. It seems to me that there are three distinct engagement models for multi-taskers that marketers need to consider:

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