Kevin Meany
Member since May 2013Contact Kevin- President, CEO, Founder 9Rooftops
- New York New York
- 10017 USA
Always independent. Always a leader. Never one to follow the pack. Kevin founded 9Rooftops 17 years ago with a vision for the future of non-traditional advertising. A native New Yorker, with a stint as a California surfer kid, Kevin was a candidate for a Ph.D. in psychology nearly two decades ago before deciding to turn his penchant for mind molding, to marketing. True to his unconventional style, Kevin established 9Rooftops’s headquarters in Hilton Head, SC where he continues to prove that great brands can be built through innovative ventures like new media, interactive and experiential promotional programming and extensive consumer research. With corporate hubs in NYC, Chicago, London and Miami, and satellite offices nationwide, 9Rooftops is one of the top marketing firms in the country. We’re consistently ranked among the nation’s leading promotion agencies by PROMO magazine and among the best marketing services organizations by Ad Age magazine.
Articles by Kevin All articles by Kevin
- Staging A Comeback: What Can McDonald's Learn From Other Brands? in
Marketing: CPG on
There aren't many choices for early morning dining in my neighborhood - and I'm talking 4 a.m. early - with the exception of a 24-hour McDonald's. Desperately wanting a coffee and breakfast in preparation for a long day ahead recently, I decided the only choice was the best one - McDonald's.
- When Consciousness Trumps Convenience in
Marketing: CPG on
Our world revolves around convenience, and that's not all bad. Before the introduction of the printing press, all books were hand-written. Not a small inconvenience and, as a result, only the very wealthy could afford a book. Likewise, before the arrival of the telephone, communication was largely done by messenger or postal letter. The telephone changed the way we view distance, and it made the world a much smaller place. Both were huge time-savers, and winners in the most convenient product contest.
- Marketers, Brands Need More Than Innovation in
Marketing: CPG on
A few weeks ago on a chilly afternoon in midtown New York City, I tapped my iPhone's Uber app to summon a car to whisk me 40 blocks south. There was nothing unusual in that. Uber has become a habit for me and many other drivers. But then, instead of watching my iPhone for an approaching car, I looked up and flagged one of a stream of yellow cabs.
- Let's Take The B.S. Out Of Food Marketing in
Marketing: CPG on
As I stared at a seemingly endless array of packaged chicken parts in a high-end grocery store recently, a mother of two strode up to the refrigerated section and decisively grabbed a package that promised "All-Natural Free-Range" chicken. "Yes!" she exclaimed to her kids. "Here they are!"
- Mind The Gap: Why Marketing To Millennials Is A Mistake in
Engage:Millennials on
Long before I finished graduate school with an advanced degree in psychology, I believed, as many mental health professionals do, that labeling a person or a group based on a set of traits or symptoms could do more harm than good.
- I Pledge Allegiance To My Wallet in
Marketing Daily on
Despite many Americans' patriotism and drive to support products Made in America, most consumers don't seem to care about a product's origins. For those products that are 100% legitimately USA made, they should ensure that consumers understand the extended brand benefits of Made in America products.

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