Articles by Yoav All articles by Yoav
- Timeline, Insight & Technology Trends Drive Presidential Monetization Strategies in
Marketing: Politics on
While publishers like 'Buzzfeed' have already refused a reported $1.3 million in campaign ad money from the RNC's presumptive candidate, Donald Trump has been busy blacklisting and revoking press credentials from coast to coast, including Univision, the nation's largest Spanish-speaking news organization, and legacy publisher 'The Washington Post,' among numerous others.
- Why Inventory Agility Is Key To Publisher Profits in
Publishers Daily on
Fixed ad placements contribute to an irrelevant and cluttered patchwork quilt that only serves to detract from viewers' experience. More ads hasn't fixed the problem, so what options do publishers have?
- Video Auctions: The Real Price Of Bidding Without Paying in
Real-Time Daily on
Programmatic sale of video advertising today is structured in a way that encourages a highly problematic form of "arbitrage." What most people do not realize is that "winning" a video auction does not necessarily lead to paying for an impression.
- Did Flashpocalypse Turn Into A Flashpocalypse Letdown? in
Online Video Daily on
The big 'Chrome Flash Block Day' turned out to be a nonstarter. Still, everyone should be ready to support HTML5 immediately.
- A Lot More Online Video; Now, How to Monetize It in
Online Video Daily on
If video ad revenue is to really more than double in the next year or so, where will new supplies of video inventory come from? The online video ad world is poised to grow to be a lot more than YouTube, but it will take innovative ad strategies.
- Big Data, Small Data, Smart Data in
Metrics Insider on
Big Data is one of the most trending buzzwords -- and perhaps one of the most misunderstood and misused. Is bigger necessarily better? Is Big Data changing the way we consume ads, affecting the bottom line, or even worth sifting through? It's only natural to ask yourself, "What is all this Big Data doing for me?" Most importantly, do you have the right tools to find useful and actionable information that might affect your marketing or revenue goals? This adage may be most apt: You can't tell how much someone weighs with a yardstick.
- The End Of The Rube Goldberg Ad-Tech Stack in
Programmatic Insider on
Advertisers, publishers and agencies need to reevaluate their ad-serving needs in the context of the big-data era. They will need to seriously consider ripping out their entire cobbled-together stack in favor of a unified, full-service solution that enables them to visualize their data, turn that unstructured data into useful information, make informed decisions, and act upon those decisions within a single platform.
- Managing The Profit Margin In Display Advertising in
Programmatic Insider on
What can retailers do to test and ensure their display campaigns are working? First is working with partners you trust. Without a basic level of trust in both parties to deliver on what they promise and offer, nothing will work. Second, and more pragmatically, a basic A/B test with exposed and control groups, using roughly 10% of the impressions towards the control provides enough data and insight to determine if a campaign is working profitably.
- DSPs And All 'Programmatic Buying' Still Require Too Much Human Input in
Programmatic Insider on
The whole purpose of DSPs is to wring as much efficiency out of the ad-buying system, limiting costly human input in favor of as much automation as possible. However, since each advertiser has unique goals, there is still a fair amount of work that humans must do -- such as establishing rules that define the bid/buying criteria, and adjusting campaigns to identify the best-performing creative units and/or most responsive audiences.
Comments by Yoav All comments by Yoav
- How To Lead A Purposeful, Ad-Blockless Life
James DeJulio
(Online Video Daily on
Ad creative is clearly important for a positive online experience, but in my opinion it starts with publishers taking a a bigger part in making the user experience less intrusive while still being able to monetize their content. Publishers need to be able to decide in real-time which ad experience makes the most sense to show - or not to show - at any given moment and look at that as a delicate balance between revenue and user experience.
- Support For Beachfront's Video Ad Player Soars
Ben Frederick
(Mobile Marketing Daily on
In my experience, the issue for most publishers is not the players of JW Player, Kaltura and others supporting html5 (they do, one way or another). The real challenge is demand adoption with html5/JavaScript vpaid and the real solution is having the player intelligently combine both. The demand question is why when we're looking at volume, the industry should stop looking at requests, but actual served impressions. Looking at requests alone places incorrect emphasis on multiple attempts of reselling impressions. Only when this is corrected will we be able to look at trends.
- DSPs And All 'Programmatic Buying' Still Require Too Much Human Input
Yoav Naveh
(Programmatic Insider on
Thanks for your comments. Obviously the zip code example is just a simple one to make the point. I think the real issue is not the # of parameters available, rather the ability to automatically share data across all values instead of narrowing down on the few that perform initially.
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