Adam Weinroth
Member since September 2013Contact Adam- CMO OneSpot
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- Austin Texas
- 78701 USA
Adam Weinroth is Chief Marketing Officer for OneSpot, a content advertising platform used by leading brands to sequence their content and drive business results.
Articles by Adam All articles by Adam
- Publishers, Marketers Utilize A.I. in
Publishers Daily on
It's not just publishers that are utilizing A.I. for high-volume, low-cost content creation. Allstate, Samsung and Dish Network's SlingTV are using A.I. solutions.
- Breaking Down The Hipster Content Brand Catapult in
Content Marketing Insider on
Oh, the ever-elusive and often-scorned hipster. Though widely mocked, this is a group largely composed of the "creative class," economist Richard Florida's defined community of the skilled, intellectual and hip, once poised to revive America's desolate urban centers. While their actual success in doing so is questionable, one thing is certain: Hipsters have undoubtedly help catapult a number of brands from niche underdogs to international sensations. Let's take a look at how two of the very best have used content marketing to both entice this tricky audience and enthrall the world at large -- examples I've observed while surveying the state of this industry tool today.
- Don't Let Preconceived Notions Obstruct Effective Content Marketing in
Engage:Affluent on
With 87% of mass affluents reporting use of social media, according to LinkedIn, it has become even more important for brands to entice this rapidly growing group with content. But creating content that's both effective and unique means we have to dismiss some unfortunate untruths that plague our industry when targeting a more upscale audience.
- Calculated Risks Are The Way To Go in
Engage:Men on
Creating branded content for men can be a little tricky, but don't be afraid. By testing the waters, taking a few calculated risks and focusing on the things they clearly want, brands will see ROI if they are willing to take the leap. Whether "zigging" when others "zag," or being a little goofy and accessible, if men are a key part of your marketing strategy, there are effective methods for bringing them into the fold. Here are three tips to help guide your branded content targeted to men.
- How to Extend The Shelf Life Of Large Volumes Of Branded Content in
Content Marketing Insider on
Many brands are left scratching their heads after releasing a flood of content. Could the videos, articles and social engagement have been delayed and parsed out as a campaign gradually? Should the content just be dispersed with the belief that the digital world is so vast that someone will engage with the content and the marketer's brand? The content would have a better chance of sticking, they predict, if only there were a way to extend its shelf life.
Comments by Adam All comments by Adam
- Future Of Advertising: Report Finds 22% Of Marketers Believe All Online Ads Will Be Native
Tyler Loechner
(MediaDailyNews on
Hi all, just chiming in with further details on the report respondents and methodology - which will hopefully serve as better context for understanding the results. 1. The 487 U.S. based respondents were fairly evenly represented between B2C brands (30%), B2B brands (24%), agency professionals (25%) and other marketing professionals i.e. consultants, non-profit marketers, etc (21%). All respondents were qualified at the beginning of the survey for partial or full responsibility for content marketing within their organizations and were screened from further questions if they did not meet either of those criteria. Respondents were not incentivized for participating in the survey, although we certainly appreciated their taking time to share their perspectives. 2. Some of the previous comments raise the widely discussed challenge of our industry still working towards consensus on how exactly to define Native Advertising. While native means different (sometimes very different) things to different marketers, we felt it was worthwhile to get a general attitudinal gauge as part of our research. Here are some resources on the topic of defining native - which is a whole other can of worms. Native Advertising: Defying Definability (OneSpot) http://www.onespot.com/blog/native-advertising-defying-definability/ IAB Native Advertising Playbook (IAB) http://www.iab.net/nativeadvertising Defining and Mapping the Native Advertising Landscape (Altimeter) http://www.slideshare.net/Altimeter/report-defining-and-mapping-the-native-advertising-landscape-by-rebecca-lieb I hope this helps, and thanks for checking out the survey.

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