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Craig Benner

Member since January 2007Contact Craig

Craig Benner is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Accretive Media, a programmatic digital out-of-home advertising platform that empowers brands to become a part of consumers’ everyday lives. Throughout his career, Craig has worked relentlessly to help brands achieve their objectives through addressable and accountable digital media. In his most recent role at Viant, Inc. as Senior Vice President, US Sales, Craig led all sales operations across 8 U.S. offices. He was an integral part of the executive team that transformed Specific Media, Myspace, Vindico, and Xumo into Viant, which was subsequently acquired by Time Inc. in 2016. His team managed hundreds of millions of dollars of ad spend and brought to market several new and innovative advertising technologies. Craig has been featured in several publications including MediaPost, MarTech Advisor, and The MakeGood and has spoken for organizations including iMediaConnection, JD Power, DFWIMA and ThinkLA. An avid tennis player and foodie, Craig also contributes to several philanthropic organizations including the Scleroderma Foundation, Alzheimer’s Association, and StandUp2Cancer. Craig holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Southern California and lives in Manhattan Beach, California with his wife and two children.

Articles by Craig All articles by Craig

  • The Holy War Of Cross-Device Tracking in Digital News Daily on 06/07/2017

    One of the biggest challenges for advertisers today is figuring out how to reach consumers across their multiple devices, from smartphones to tablets to personal laptops and work desktops. The data required to understand consumers' behaviors as they move across devices has been called the holy grail of data in digital advertising. But this singular vessel is comprised of two different types of data: probabilistic and deterministic.

  • Are We Going To Talk About It, Or Are We Going To Do It? in Marketing Daily on 10/30/2014

    How do we better align this ever-changing digital media world with how marketing leaders actually think about their business?

Comments by Craig All comments by Craig

  • The Data Revolution Is Changing OOH by Ken Sahlin (MediaDailyNews on 03/02/2018)

    That's a good point, Ed.  Several folks are working on this as we speak.  Me for example. :)  I recently left the online space for DOOH to help advance that very cause (create a data-driven DOOH platform that allows brands to connect to targeted consumers in the physical world - nationwide & programmatically).  As data and inventory availability gets better, and other mediums and formats continue to deal with their own challenges, DOOH has a huge opportunity to innovate, gain share, increase momentum, and grow like gangbusters (think print to internet late nineties). 

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