Peter Moloney
Member since May 2015Contact Peter- CEO Loyalty Builders
- http://www.loyaltybuilders.com/resources/blog
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pmoloney
- Portsmouth New Hampshire
- 03801 USA
Peter Moloney has an extensive background in marketing, business strategy and development, and enterprise software technology. Prior to Loyalty Builders, he founded Strategic Angels, a strategic advisory service to enterprise software vendors and investors. He was vice president of corporate development at Progress Software where he executed over a dozen acquisitions. He was founder and CEO of Ideabank, Inc., a marketing services provider, and has held senior management and marketing positions at Progress and Scitex America (now part of Kodak).
Articles by Peter All articles by Peter
- How Personal Is Your Personalized Email Messaging? in
Email Insider on
How many marketing technology vendors say they help you personalize your email messaging to your customers? Um, hundreds perhaps? Maybe all of them? The problem is, most of them do not really personalize your email marketing.
- Why Aren't You Personalizing Your Email Marketing? in
Email Insider on
Are your email marketing programs really delivering the most relevant, personalized message to each individual customer? If not, why not? I'm not talking about inserting the customer's name in your email message. I'm not talking about delivering customized messages to different segments or groups of customers. I'm talking about putting the right offer in front of every "individual" customer at the right time - the one most likely to get them to buy now. Is there a more important objective for marketing than that?
- Making Personalized Email Marketing Easier in
Email Insider on
Predictive analytics improves email marketing results. That's hard to dispute, but it's not quite right. Relevant messaging and attractive offers improve email marketing results. Predictive analytics has the "potential" to help. It's only potential because there is so much involved in doing it right.
- The Four Most Common Misconceptions In Personalized Marketing in
Email Insider on
According to data published by Caslon & Co. based on research by the DMA and PODi, personalized marketing content generates response rate 3x or more than static content for various marketing objectives, including ordering. But what if you have thousands, tens of thousands, or even millions of customers? If they could send the right product offer to every single one of their customers in every email campaign, the results would be fantastic. But conventional wisdom puts this beyond all but the largest companies. There is so much attention to this area now that things are changing. What you assumed true a couple years ago may not be so today. Here is a list of the most common misconceptions I hear:
- Do You Want to Shop Where They Analyze Your Eye Movements? in
Email Insider on
I was reading a news item recently about another startup in the marketing analytics space. This startup analyzes eye movements as customers browse in a store and, based on that, tries to determine the customer's interest in certain items, which triggers email offers to their mobile phones in real time. Wow. I hope that company lists clients on its website so I know where not to shop.
- What If You Can't Afford Predictive Analytics In Your Marketing Budget? in
Email Insider on
Twenty years ago, if you wanted a marketing piece to look good, you had to go to a professional graphics service to get it typeset, and then a printer to get it printed. Now everybody can do that on a PC. But then again, you can now use purpose-built templates to make your own just-about-anything: really good-looking marketing pieces, websites, emails, you name it. In other words, you can go a long way for a lot less time and money these days. For the most part, if you're a marketer seeking to improve marketing effectiveness by taking advantage of the data science of predictive analytics, it's like 20 years ago in typesetting and printing.
Comments by Peter All comments by Peter
- Making Personalized Email Marketing Easier
Peter Moloney
(Email Insider on
Jim, you should look into Loyalty Builders: www.loyaltybuilders.com.IBM is trying to do it too, but for certain specific problems outside of marketing.

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