Starting in August, Comcast's broadband customers in Chicago who consume more than 1 Terabyte of data per month will face overages ranging from $10 to $200. Read the whole story
Without jumping to conclusions -- or rushing to blame -- it's important that we as an industry consider the role that mobile is playing … Read the whole story
A 14-year-old boy who says he encountered racy material on Snapchat has filed a potential class-action lawsuit against the company. Read the whole story
Earlier this week, my Verizon Fios, my lifeline, the light of my life, the fire of my writing (such as it is) died. Over … Read the whole story
Adblock Plus gave its first public viewing of a micropayments system it has been developing with microdonations platform Flattr, but it is still being … Read the whole story
Facebook is promising that these clandestine conversations can only be read on the mobile device of the intended receiver. "That means the messages are … Read the whole story