Republican Senator Jeff Flake, who opposes the Federal Communications Commission's broadband privacy rules, reportedly says he's readying a resolution to rescind them. Read the whole story
"This lets Ghostery be inside a parent company that is 100% focused on business-to-consumer," Evidon CEO Scott Meyer says. Read the whole story
A whopping one in three companies are not expecting to be GDPR-compliant in time for May 2018, yet two in three know it's looming … Read the whole story
Among other factors, marketers can thank mobile for slowing the adoption of ad blockers among millennials.That's because mobile ad blockers are often not as … Read the whole story
"The reality is, the entire industry needs to work toward a higher standard of quality, protection and overall email security," states the Mimecast Email … Read the whole story
The Internet of Things involves a lot of tracking, both of things and of people. Sensors and chips can be embedded into household appliances, … Read the whole story