"AT&T and Time Warner will create exciting new ways for consumers to enjoy video anytime, anywhere, and on any device," company executives said in a letter to lawmakers. Read the whole story
A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit accusing the company of violating an anti-spam law by repeatedly sending people unwanted text messages. Read the whole story
A tool that will become available this week from Insightpool allows marketers to search through a database of more than 600 million social profiles … Read the whole story
Everyone has been throwing the phrase "fake news" around rather freely over the last few months, but we may all have to start being … Read the whole story
When connected things are sold, they don't necessarily know they were sold. The connectivity, or link to the former owner, may continue to reside … Read the whole story
Trump's escalating war with America's news media has been alarmingly transparent. What's going on behind the scenes is a clandestine war to steer Americans … Read the whole story