Facebook and Apple news services will be more convenient for consumers and increase publishers' reach. Just one point, though. What about the data? Is this sharing at its best -- … Read the whole story
Microsoft will begin encrypting all search traffic on Bing, making the intent and other signals related to the search query more important than keywords. … Read the whole story
Facebook is quickly becoming a preferred platform for publishing original content, including news and now entertainment. This week Amazon Studios announced that it will … Read the whole story
Continuing to fiddle with its News Feed, Facebook will now factor the time users spend viewing stories into its master algorithm. For example, if … Read the whole story
The new Publicis logo, according to a tweet the agency sent, is designed to mirror the sign agency founder, Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet placed on the … Read the whole story
Twitter has been declared dead more than most of its digital contemporaries, finding itself in the unenviable company of BlackBerry, Yahoo, AOL, MySpace and … Read the whole story