by Josh Ginsberg on May 31, 10:00 AM
In 2016, CPG advertisers are projected to spend almost $6 billion on digital advertising. This represents an 18% increase over 2015.
by Renzo Merlo on May 25, 1:00 PM
How consumer goods companies can elevate the role of IT to improve consumer engagement.
by Blake Crist, Eric Pakurar on May 23, 1:00 PM
The future is here and it has taken the form of Amazon's Echo, a combination wireless speaker, virtual assistant, and smarthome hub. What makes the Echo feel like a prop out of the "Jetsons" is not just its innovative hardware - Amazon has essentially created an entirely new category - but rather several new opportunities for a range of services and products. It's no surprise that "The New York Times" gave it a rave review.
by Rachel Spiegelman on May 18, 11:00 AM
Have you ever searched for "consumer packaged goods" images? What comes up is myriad endless, blurry, retail aisles, often in dully lit, outdated grocery or drug stores. (Needless to say, I don't suspect anyone is posting them with #blessed.)
by Susan Frech on May 16, 1:00 PM
2015 was an exciting year for CPG brands and e-commerce. Driven primarily by Amazon, CPG e-commerce sales soared 42%. While e-commerce is often less than 10% of CPG sales and less than 5% for major CPG brands such as P&G, J&J and Unilever, this exceptional sales growth is a signal to marketers. The channel's growth potential presents a considerable market opportunity that requires a different strategy from brick-and-mortar purchases. Differentiation, growth and market share are challenging for established CPG brands, but being a dedicated adopter of digital channels may be one of the most effective strategies to keep an advantage …
by Michael Bollinger on May 11, 1:00 PM
In The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway's drunken, brawling character, Mike Campbell, responds to the question, "How did you go bankrupt?" with this answer: "Two ways. Gradually and then suddenly."
by Morgan Buell on May 9, 12:00 PM
I grabbed coffee with a girlfriend this week and she raved about a new restaurant in the Lower East Side of Manhattan called Charlie Bird. I immediately wrote it down and committed it to next weekend's brunch plans. It's that simple.
by Sonya Duran on May 4, 11:00 AM
A metaphor is defined as "an object, activity, or idea that is used as a symbol of something else." Metaphors are everywhere in the world of advertising, frequently seen in the form of a spokescharacter. A well-chosen metaphor can significantly impact an ad's motivational power as a brand derives meaning from the spokescharacter used to represent it.
by Emily Canan on May 2, 2:00 PM
The American Dream is changing. It started as a statement as the right to the pursuit of happiness within "The Declaration of Independence" and has since been defined by the people.
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