Fake news and fake images will become some of the biggest challenges with the proliferation of generative AI, which PitchBook estimates will reach $42.6 billion this year. Read the whole story
Google will reportedly release new AI-powered search tools next month under the code name Magi. Read the whole story
Urban streetwear brand SikSilk experienced a 25% increase in ecommerce purchases from on-site search and a 36% decline in site abandonment after implementing AI-powered … Read the whole story
Winterberry Group research aims to provide greater insight into the analytics market, examining and defining the current and future state of marketing analytics, industry … Read the whole story
4/20 is said to date back to 1971, when five California high school students used the term to search for an abandoned cannabis crop. Read the whole story
They also have an even stronger preference for targeted, relevant ads than CTV owners as a whole. Read the whole story
Bud Light teaches brands how NOT to use social media. Read the whole story