Apple reportedly plans to unveil its next-generation Apple TV, in September. As Buzzfeed reports: “Expect a refreshed and slimmer chassis and new innards; Apple’s A8 system on chip; a new remote that sources say has been ‘drastically improved’ by a touch-pad input; an increase in on-board storage; and an improved operating system that will support Siri voice control.”
The Next Web
Yahoo has quietly launched a video-messaging app Livetext in Hong Kong and Taiwan. “The company unveiled the app for download in the US, Canada, Germany, France and the UK,” The Next Web reports. “Livetext is Yahoo’s attempt at reviving its Messenger app, this time with a focus around lives-treamed video – so much so that not even sound is included in the clips.”
CNBC takes a close look at Zazzle, which it calls the anti-Amazon. “Zazzle's trick: CEO Robert Beaver and his sons, Jeff and Bobby, focus on products that can't be found elsewhere, and thus face little to no pricing pressure,” it writes. “Design your own flask? Check. Customizable ping pong paddles? Got those too.”
Microsoft will finally debut its flagship Microsoft Store in New York City, this fall. “The date makes sense with all the rumors swirling about Microsoft's plans to launch some new first-party hardware this fall -- as well as to help its PC maker partners launch new Windows 10 devices ahead of holiday 2015,” ZDNet reports.
Yelp’s stock tumbled in after-hours trading, on Tuesday, after its latest earnings missed expectations. “The company finished its second quarter with $181.46 million in cash and equivalents,” TechCrunch reports. “Compared to the year-ago quarter, Yelp’s revenue is up 53 percent … On a dollar basis, Yelp generated about a $4 million loss in profit compared to the same period last year.”
A new version of Periscope’s iOS app features more control over push notifications. “With ‘Mute Users,’ as the silencing feature is called, Periscope allows you to configure on a per-user basis whether you want to receive an instant alert on your smartphone that an individual you follow is going live,” TechCrunch reports. “If you choose to mute a user, you’ll still be able to view their broadcasts in your main feed within the Periscope app, but your phone won’t buzz incessantly with alerts.”
The Verge
The echo chamber that is Twitter is trying to cut down on tweet plagiarism. Yes, “Twitter is using its legal authority to crack down on … tweet-stealers,” The Verge reports. “A number of tweets have been deleted on copyright grounds for apparently stealing a bad joke.”
Google Webmaster Central Blog
Of course, publishers would like users to download their native mobile apps, and interstitials seem like a good way to promote them. The problem, though, is that such interstitials seem to send users running. In fact, in one test recently conducted by Google’s Webmaster Central Blog, a whopping 69% of the visitors abandoned a mobile Web page after being presented with a promotional interstitial.
Shockingly, combining millennials’ self-obsession with the latest in mobile technology doesn’t guarantee a startup’s success. Take the selfie app Frontback, which -- despite strong buzz, early on, and about $4 million in capital -- is shutting down. “It was a simple premise during the height of the selfie hype: take a photo of yourself as well as what’s in front of you,” TechCrunch writes. “Now it’s called ‘an idea that never really got super traction.’”
Facebook, Microsoft and some other tech giants are banding together to make technology more manageable for disabled people. “Together, these companies and educational partners like Stanford and Carnegie Mellon University, have designed a working group called Teaching Accessibility,” Venture Beat reports. “The mandate is to develop guides for building technology that everyone can use.”