The proposed regulations would "result in uncertainty and increased costs for marketers," a coalition of nine ad and business organizations warned in a joint letter filed earlier this month. Signatories were the American Association of Advertising agencies, American Advertising Federation, Council for Responsible Nutrition, Direct Marketing Association, Direct Selling Association, Electronic Retailing Association, Interactive Advertising Bureau, Promotion Marketing Association and U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
The FTC is currently considering a proposal to update its guidelines on testimonials. One proposed change would require bloggers, online commenters and others to disclose any connections they have to marketers. For example, bloggers who receive free review copies would have to disclose that they didn't pay for the product.
The ad organizations object, arguing that there's no reason to impose such a standard online when reviewers in traditional outlets don't disclose the receipt of free copies. "If the blogger who has become a video game expert must disclose that he received the video game system for free, then is every critic required to disclose that a reviewed item was provided for free?" the letter asks. "Many consumers expect that critics have received a reviewed item for free, or they generally assume that an independent, expert reviewer is providing his or her honest opinions regardless of whether the reviewer purchased the item."
Some on Madison Avenue are also concerned that they might be held liable for bloggers' failure to disclose any ties to marketers. In the joint letter to the FTC, the ad organizations say they're not in any position to police bloggers or other Web users. "It is virtually impossible for marketers to make certain that employees and other individuals compensated by the marketer disclose their connections to the marketer when making favorable statements," the letter says.
The IAB also opposed the proposals for similar reasons in a separate letter to the FTC. "Requiring marketers to be responsible for the actions of third parties over whom they exercise uncertain control could create unintended consequences for new media," wrote Mike Zaneis, vice president for public policy.
The Word of Mouth Marketing Association submitted its own comments to the FTC asking for clarification about whether marketers could be held liable for a blogger's failure to disclose connections to advertisers.
The FTC originally proposed new guidelines two years ago. Last November, the agency published additional information illustrating how the proposals would affect online media.