
Just an Online Minute... Spreading the Word

  • by March 22, 2001
With the economy dangerously close to a recession, it was only a matter of time before someone took it upon himself to raise the waning morale of all Internet enthusiasts. That someone is the biggest Internet optimist of them all, Iconocast's Michael Tchong, and if you've ever had the good fortune to attend one of his conferences, you know he's not one to do things quietly or simply.

So mark your calendar - April 3 is Michael Tchong's Crusade Day, or as he calls it, "Take Back the Net Day." In an email he sent to tens of thousands of people on his Iconocast list, he's asking web users worldwide to show their appreciation of this growing medium by purchasing something online, donating to an online charity, or buying stock in their favorite online company.

So here I am spreading the good word. As Michael put it, "We must band together and send the world a loud, clear message that the Net will not only survive, but thrive. That's why we're asking you to demonstrate your dedication to the Internet!"

Here are Michael's instructions for April 3rd: First and foremost, avoid offline retail stores. Buy something online - visit your favorite online store and make at least one purchase. If you prefer, donate to your favorite charity online. "This budding industry still needs your support," Michael writes. "Remember your positive Internet experiences and on April 3, buy 10 shares in a company you admire." Michael says your participation will send a signal to Wall Street that Netizens will not abandon their favorite medium.

Will a crusade really perk up the industry? Hard to tell. But at least instead of whining about how bad things are, Michael is out there trying to do something uplifting. And in that spirit, let's all "Take Back the Net" on April 3.

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