
Chaos May Be Good, But It’s Getting A “Little Nuts Out There”

Razorfish’s Andy Fisher may like chaos, but it can also be a little annoying to him. In other words chaos does produce some chaos.

Take social media as an example.

“I was looking through social media vendors. There are hundreds. Everyday there’s a new one. And people expect me to know them all. It’s annoying,” Fisher told OMMA M&M attendees in San Francisco this morning.

And it’s not just social media that’s got him catching his breath, but developments in online metrics and analytics that require keeping up with.

For that example, Fisher cited Razorfish’s affiliate in Brazil, which asked him to look over their analytics tool chest.

“They have 26 different analytics tools in their Brazilian operations. It’s nuts out there,” he said, adding a little common sense, “The key is always to bring it back to your business problems.”

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