The iPad cometh -- and with it, apps. And games. And ads. The iPad arrives on April 3. Rumor is, on April 7 Apple will reveal what it's done with Quattro and showcase the future of the ad platform for its mobile operating system. This announcement could, in a very real way, mobilize (pun intended) casual gaming ad opportunities.
Did you know there are more iPhones and iPod Touches out there than Wiis? Or that Apple is eating away at the handheld gaming market revenues, despite the games on its platform being a fraction of the price that others charge?
A solid advertising platform from Apple will represent a unified offering for iPhone OS games. Based on where Apple's interest lies for its iPhone platform, the ad platform should be very publisher-friendly, and potentially able to generate revenue for publishers better than current ad networks. If that's the case, many publishers will flock to the common standard for their apps (or not).
The iPad creates a quandary, though. While the iPad should allow for really immersive experiences, greater than the iPhone or iPod Touch in terms of the quality of an interaction (due to the bigger screen and faster processor), the iPad is unlikely to be traveling around with us to the extent the iPhone does. It seems like branding efforts will hit home on the iPad, but mobile activation will fit well with the iPhone. Will Apple's ad platform distinguish between the devices, and allow segmentation of advertising based on the nature and native demographics of each device?
Despite being a "mobile devices company," Apple has become a major player to watch for what will impact the gaming market. Keep an eye on the headlines -- the news that breaks in the next few days will have significant ramifications for casual game advertising.