What type of phone do you have?
iPhone 3GS
How many texts do you send a day?
Around 40.
How many friends do you have on Facebook?
I can't even count. It goes up everyday.
Do you have any favorite
I love Topshop. It's fantastic, totally my style.
What do you buy online?
Yeah, I buy anything that's going to be cheaper than in the city,
which is most things. Electronics, music, basically everything. I use Craigslist all the time, and eBay.
How often do you browse or purchase?
All the time. I like
to just look a lot. Do you have a credit card or debit card? No, I don't. Most of my friends do. I'm going to get one.
How do you buy stuff online if you don't have a credit
or debit card?
I've memorized my parent's credit card numbers.
What was your last major purchase?
I got a MacBook Pro. I bought a last gen, like five
years ago and was obsessed with it. I just really wanted a Mac. And my MacBook Pro just died, so I just got a new one.
How often do you listen to music?
day long. Basically, when I'm walking somewhere, I'm listening to music.
What's your favorite way to listen?
iPod. Actually, at home I have a record player and a
lot of vinyls, but it's more trouble than it's worth.
Andrew Yoon
East Village
Video Game Journalist, 25
What type of phone do you have?
An HTC Evo.
Have you ever "liked" or "friended" a brand online?
Yup, usually to check for deals, sometimes
there are coupons or things like that. Other times just for updates. It's such a low-maintenance activity for a brand. Just having it is the first step. A lot of companies still don't have much of an
online presence. I guess offering deals and not updating too often. Updating enough so that it's not bothering you, but still informing you of deals.
What do you buy online?
I pretty much buy anything. Amazon is my go-to. I do tend to buy something online every other day. I just bought a box of gummy bears off Amazon. Like I said, I buy almost everything
from Amazon. I've bought toilet paper, cereal, snacks for the office just because I could, I guess. It's not that it's particularly cheaper, but at least that way I won't forget.
When is advertising good and when is it annoying?
I have no problem with advertising. Good advertisements are engaging. Everyone talked about that Old Spice guy, right? Clearly
people care about advertising if it's done well.
What's one tech invention that you would want to see?
If I knew that, I feel like I'd be rich, but I don't. I guess
something that could generate an infinite amount of electricity.
Amanda King
Photographer, 21
Do you think brands are getting more responsive to consumers?
Probably not. I think it's more of just a taste thing. I think when you use Facebook and you 'friend' something, you say,
'This is what I like,' but I haven't really experienced that brands are actually connecting with people that 'like' their stuff.
Have you ever used your phone to help you shop in
Oh, of course, all the time. I mean it could be for groceries. I really use it for anything. It's just a good tool. I'll take a picture with my iPhone and send it to a few
friends and ask what they think. There are a few apps on the iPhone where you can actually put together different looks. I use that often, and that's how I buy my outfits.
How often do you
shop online?
Looking? Every day. Purchasing? Maybe once a month. I'm busy right now, so maybe I look once a day. But I can online window shop for hours.
What was the your
last major purchase?
My last major purchase was a vintage camouflage military jacket from Search and Destroy. It says, "Save the Queen, Sex Pistols." I heard about Search & Destroy
through a lot of online Web sites that said they had a lot of great vintage stuff, so I went there.
What is your favorite Web site?
Kanye West's blog.
What are your favorite ad campaigns?
Anything Juergen Teller.
Alberto Arensberg
East Side
Student, 21
How many texts do you send a day?
Like 2 million, I don't know. A lot. Enough that I can't count.
How many
friends do you have on Facebook?
I don't know. Last time I looked, more than a thousand.
Do you have a blog?
Yeah, it's called Raw Blog. Ten of my
friends contribute. It's just pictures and architecture and design and partying and sex. It's about the lives we lead. I have people that are loyal to it. I think some people in Canada are fans. I
think of it as my channel to the world.
What do you buy online?
I'm really into old-school 1920's clothes. I have these high-waisted pants and stuff, so I rock that
really hard. I get them on the Internet. There's this one site that makes them, but I don't want to tell the name. It's mine for now.
Have you ever liked or friended a brand online?
I don't really like branding. I really only rep DIY brands. It has to mean what it stands for. Profiting should be secondary to the creative element.
So you're
against branding?
Not really. I'm trying to brand myself constantly.
What are some websites that have made your life easier?
Artcards.cc tells me
all the art openings and events happening every day in the city. Ohmyrockness.com tells me every free concert happening in the city, and MyOpenBar.com tells me where I can drink for free every night.
Michelle Huang
West Village
Student, 20
How old were you when you got your first credit
18, but I've been shopping online with my mom's card since the 4th grade.
Have you ever used your phone to shop while in a store?
Yes, to
compare prices, take photos, and to find out more information on certain fabrics.
How often do you shop online?
I'd say I browse at least a couple times every day.
Sites like Gilt make it hard to resist. I also get store updates and deals sent to my e-mail, and it's hard for me not to shop when I see a great deal or something I like. Where do you get your
news? My New York Times iPhone app. It's also my homepage. Sometimes I like checking out the Times Skimmer so I can quickly browse headlines.
What's one piece of information you
would never share online?
I think I've shared just about everything there is to share given that certain sites need your credit card number and address all the time. I've had my credit
card information stolen before, so I try to be more careful with that. I'd probably never post provocative photos or my relationship status. Those things are meant to be kept in the bedroom.
What's one website that has made your life easier?
Google Maps. Do I need to explain? It eliminates the feeling of being lost.