Blog-born media projects are
so 2007. TV networks, for one, have refocused their attention on the short-form, zing-tastic world of Twitter. According to
The Hollywood Reporter, CBS is developing two new comedies, including a project based off a
Twitter feed produced by social-media master Ashton Kutcher.
"Following on the successful launch of its Twitter-inspired comedy '$#*! My Dad Says' last week, CBS has made a script deal for
'Shh ... Don't Tell Steve,' based on a Twitter feed by the same name," it reports. "Don't Tell Steve," the Twitter feed, has more than 13,000 followers who can can't enough of stuff like: "Steve
loudly challenging people to a drinking contest. Nobody biting, so he's just doing shots and declaring himself the winner." Similarly, the TV show will be about a guy who secretly Tweets about his
immature roommate.
Read the whole story at The Hollywood Reporter »