AdMob Mobile Network To Feed Local And Ecommerce

Google on Friday revealed where the 2 billion daily requests in the AdMob network originate, providing insight into how the Mountain View, Calif. tech company will distribute daily deals from the Groupon-like service, Google Offers, which it recently began testing. It also gives some clarity to the executive shakeup announced Thursday that puts Google co-founder Larry Page in the CEO seat and appoints Eric Schmidt to chairman.

AdMob quadrupled growth in 2010, with every region and nearly every country in the world contributing. Evidently, the AdMob network generates monthly ad requests from more than 190 countries. Seventeen countries account for more than 80% of total traffic in December 2010, wrote Harsh Shah, a member of the Google Mobile Ads marketing team, in a blog post. An attached presentation details AdMob's growth in specific regions.

And as Google moves into local and ecommerce, a daily deals service through mobile will boost revenue and profits for an aging company that some believe stopped creating disruptive technologies.

Mobile ads can provide return on investment-driven traffic that small and medium-size businesses crave. With AdWords you pay for the traffic without a guaranteed return, but "with a Groupon-type model Google will have to deliver paying customers to your door," says Matt Roberts, Linkdex cofounder and vice president of product development. "If Google can execute a self-serve model similar to AdWords, that could become a huge competitor."

Deliver daily deals on mobile, supported by AdMob, and Google could become widely successful. Disruptive technologies attract investments from venture capitalists, Roberts says. "You need a different story, skill and market value to produce the correct numbers in the end," he says. "When you have something disruptive, speed needs money to gain the traction. It gives you the first-mover advantage."

That first-mover advantage is something Google needs to reignite investors.



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