Tarnished Sheen: SiriusXM Bows Tiger Blood Radio


Friday brought good news for the millions of Americans frustrated by the lack of coverage of Charlie Sheen. Sirius XM Radio is rectifying this glaring oversight with a limited-run channel devoted exclusively to the breaking news, facts, fallout and career implications associated with the actor's public meltdown.

"Tiger Blood Radio," named for the implausible trans-species kinship claimed by Sheen, will air for precisely 24 hours, beginning 6 a.m. EST on March 5, on Sirius channel 108 and XM channel 139.

According to the company, it will "take listeners behind the headlines, exploring the media frenzy/media reaction, as well as the medical, psychological, psychiatric and pop culture and celebrity angles." It will also recap news coverage to offer a timeline of the volatile actor's antics.



A large part of the "reporting" would appear to be salacious details from Sheen's personal life, as related by a succession of porn-star girlfriends to Playboy Radio. Content will include Playboy Radio clips featuring Sheen's current live-in girlfriend and "goddess" Bree Olson, a Playboy Radio contributor; ex-fiancée Ginger Lynn sharing stories on Tiffany Granath's Playboy Radio Show; and adult film star Kacey Jordan talking to Playboy Radio's Night Calls about her times with Sheen.

There's no question that Sheen's manic belligerence has captured the popular imagination and touched off a media publicity firestorm.

Most recently, the actor accumulated over 1 million Twitter followers in just 24 hours, setting a world record for the shortest time to achieve this Twitter milestone. He has also signed a deal with Ad.ly to do product plugs on Twitter, worth up to $25,000 per product mention.


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