Ad experts see big potential for retargeting, targeting users who've already visited a publisher's site, in mobile. At an afternoon panel focused on retargeting, Mike Venables, group planning
director, Neo@Ogilvy, noted that mobile offers the opportunity generally to target more precisely through location and because each mobile device tends only to have one user. He suggested that as
mobile browsing becomes more mainstream, there's potential to use retargeting in mobiel for focus groups, testing campaigns with customers or visitors you already know. And when you have buckets of
people that have purchased via mobile, the aim is to try to upsell them. Russell Nuzzo, VP, group lead, cultural and business insights, at RAPP, agreed but pointed out that tension between creeping
people out and being relevant with retargeting on mobile is even greater. Even so, Stuart Bogaty of TrueAction predicted mobile users will see more retargeted offers in the next year.