
Social Media Solves ROI Problem


While everyone and their mom is now using social media, it has continued to suffer in comparison to established media like, say, television in one crucial regard: ratings and measuring return on investment. Fortunately a new cooperative effort by leading social media companies, the Social Media ROI Taskforce, has resolved the problem of measurement once and for all.

"We hope that by eliminating some of the uncertainty that has surrounded social media, the Social Media ROI Taskforce will help put the industry on the same footing as established competitors," stated SMRT president Jim Callow, adding: "There can be no mistake about the position of ROI in social media, going forward."

Specifically, SMRT concluded that ROI is "just not important," according to Callow, who volunteered that "behind closed doors, most CMOs will tell you they really don't care about ROI." Asked why their public statements have been so at odds with their actual stance, he speculated it's "just something they have to say to make their bosses happy."

In keeping with its conclusion, SMRT rejected the idea of formulating a common metric, or group of metrics, for the social media business. While this goal was written into the group's charter, most members of the SMRT board of directors felt that it was "too hard," requiring at least several weeks of work and an excessive amount of business travel, which they dismissed as a "tedious bummer."

In addition to ruling out the possibility of formulating a common metric itself, SMRT has also agreed on a policy forbidding individual members from attempting to nail down ROI on their own time -- addressing this injunction to "all the nerds who... have nothing better to do on the weekend."

Asked whether he believed the move away from ROI and measurement generally would have a negative impact on social media ad spending, Callow said "absolutely not. I mean, what are they going to do: not advertise in social media? C'mon. It's like, a law that they have to."

7 comments about "Social Media Solves ROI Problem".
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  1. Ryan Burt from Lars Marketing, LLC, April 1, 2011 at 3:35 p.m.

    uh, April Fools right?

  2. Steven Groves from Social Marketing Conversations, LLC, April 1, 2011 at 3:35 p.m.

    C'mon... that social media thing? it's like the web isn't it? waay last year mann....

  3. Guy Powell from ProRelevant Marketing Solutions, April 1, 2011 at 3:47 p.m.

    Who has time for ROI? I'd rather just spend the money on media and then hope for the best. But if you want true ROI, read our book ROI of Social Media at

  4. Lee Candiotti from CES Consulting, LLC, April 1, 2011 at 3:55 p.m.

    it's either April Fools or an article from the latest issue of the Onion. Take your pick.

  5. Steve Sarner from if(we), April 1, 2011 at 4:47 p.m.

    Happy April Fools Erik - nice post....although there may be more truth in it than we realize! : )

    See you at

  6. Bob Rose from SMA, April 1, 2011 at 5:27 p.m.

    Brilliant...but lets keep things like this just between us.

  7. Justin Chase from kickapps, April 5, 2011 at 4:44 p.m.

    The irony here isn't that this was written in jest, but rather that most articles on social ROI actually contain the same message - and they aren't written in jest...

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