SunTrust Launches Facebook Contest

  • December 5, 2011

SunTrust has launched a contest on its “Live Solid”-themed Facebook page to help consumers through this potentially “budget-busting” season.

The contest, “It’s Your Turn…” invites consumers to give tips on how they stay within their budget during the holiday season.

Besides gaining insight from the collective wisdom of the Live Solid community, entrants could also win a gift card to make their holiday a little less financially stressful. Each week, one winner will be randomly selected to receive a $100 gift card to a national retail store. One grand prize winner will receive a $1,000 SunTrust Visa gift card. The contest runs until Dec. 13.--Tanya Irwin

1 comment about "SunTrust Launches Facebook Contest".
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  1. Matt Cochran from Cookerly Public Relations, December 6, 2011 at 5:56 p.m.

    Here's a link to the contest!

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