CIMM is taking a pro-active role in advancing new media nomenclature and processes with both its Lexicon (terms and definitions associated with Set-Top Box data measurement) and Asset Identification Primer (glossary of asset terms). These documents form the basis of this, column which offers a common language for Set-Top-Box nomenclature that can expedite the rollout of the data for its many industry applications.
Retention of content (Set-Top- Box Lexicon: Commercial Retention Metrics) is one aspect of engagement. But what exactly is engagement? Good question. The term has been a discussion point in the media industry for at least a decade. But even today it is not easily defined. Nonetheless that has not dissuaded us at CIMM from creating what we believe is an excellent generic definition of engagement -- whether for programming content or ads.
The following are terms and definitions related to engagement, whether for all types of content or specifically commercial content:
CIMM DEFINITION : The amount of attention and involvement a viewer gives to content. The greater the attention and involvement, the more likely that viewer will retain memories and will feel more predisposed to that content, whether a program, commercial, product or a video.
Commercial Engagement
See also: Engagement, Commercial Retention
CIMM DEFINITION : The amount of attention and involvement a viewer gives to an advertisement. The greater the attention and involvement, the more likely that viewer will retain memories and will feel more predisposed to that product that is advertised.
2 : The ability of an interactively enhanced commercial to engage the viewer sufficiently for the viewer to interact with the commercial via the Remote Control. Measured in AdWidgets via the Remote Clicks metric. (Source: FourthWall Media)
Please refer to the CIMM Lexicon online at for additional information on these and other terms.
In number 2, we should perhaps note tht despite the theory of these engagement measurements, it isn't fully clear that, for example, an ad that engages will drive higher profit. At this point engagement remains purely theoretically connected to profit but is cut tremendous slack by shaky "it must do something" thinking.