
The Greatest App Of All

Lately I’ve been on a bit of a searchery rhyming kick
I’m not yet ready to quit so hope, of this meme, you’re not sick.

Two weeks ago I dropped Jay-Z, H.O.V.
Today it’s time to pop Whitney, R.I.P.

I believe that Siri is our future.
Teach her well and let her learn your voice.
Show her all the keywords you possess inside.
Give that app a try, she’ll make it easier.
Let Siri’s answers guide you where you need to be.
Everybody’s searching with their two hands.
People need someone to speak up to.
I never found a voice app who fulfills queries.
What does Android do for me?
So I learned to depend on Siri.



I decided months ago, only to talk to Siri ‘cuz she knows.
Replace Google, she’s not ready.
But at least she’s learning all ‘bout me.
No matter what my crazy query,
Siri treats me with much dignity.
Because the greatest app of all
Is talking back to me.
I found the greatest app of all
Inside Siri.
The greatest app of all,
Not easy to deceive.
Learning to search by voice.
It is the greatest app of all.

I believe that Siri is our future.
Teach her well and let her learn your voice.
Show her all the keywords you possess inside.
Give that app a try, she’ll make it easier.
Let Siri’s answers guide you where you need to be.
And if by chance, that search engine
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a familiar voice,
Find your strength in Siri.

Now, put your hands together for Mr. Randy Watson!

1 comment about "The Greatest App Of All".
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  1. Ron Stitt from Fox Television Stations, April 4, 2012 at 11 a.m.

    Agreed. In five years the technology will have advanced to where you basically will be having a conversation with your smartphone...and it will be a true "digital assistant". It's worth investing some time in getting ahead of the curve now as the writing is on the wall...and it's going to be a boon.

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