Social/Email Integration Still A Challenge At Large Companies

Listening to a panel at the MediaPost Email Insider Summit, it appears there is a long way to go for large silo-filled companies to integrate email and social media operations.

Michele Doyle, director of business development at Shoutlet, said when she speaks with social media teams, “email never comes up.” A lot of social media staffers come from writing or PR backgrounds, she said, so aren't versed in email makreting. "They don’t even think about other marketing channels at all, especially email,” she said.

Damian Borichevsky, a PulsePoint executive, said large companies may be lagging in coordination, but smaller ones move quicker in some cases. “The smaller the client, the more likely there is that shared role,” he said.

That helps at those companies in integrating Twitter with email.








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  1. Dan Auito from Next Century Studios, May 4, 2012 at 3:17 p.m.

    This is more important than it appears on its surface David, after all what is the purpose of gaining all those fans and followers with social media?

    Email follow-up is an absolute necessity for obvious reasons (Reminders, alerts, Registrations, timely insights, special offers, events and the occasional product offer to name a few)

    We at offer email management in all its forms but also encourage folks to learn how to do it themselves with easy to understand tools like this->

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