Digitas Predicts End Of 'Mobile Web' In 2013

  • December 7, 2012

Projecting mobile shipping activity on Thanksgiving would double this year, Digitas rebranded Thanksgiving as “Mobile Thursday.” While the moniker may not stick,  the agency expects that the shift toward tablet-centered shopping at home on Thanksgiving will only continue to grow next year.

Digitas laid out several other mobile predictions for 2013 in a new blog post featuring contributions from Dave Marsey and Chia Chen, media lead and mobile lead, respectively for Digitas North America, and Warren Midgley, head of user experience for Kitcatt Nohr Digitas.

Among their prognostications: lower mobile CPMs will lead to consolidation among mobile ad networks; the end of the “mobile Web” and better UI control for second-screen viewing.

4 comments about "Digitas Predicts End Of 'Mobile Web' In 2013".
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  1. Gregg Hamilton from AdGooroo, December 7, 2012 at 6:49 p.m.

    Okay, this appears to be a classic case of quoting out of context in the service of a punchy headline. The author must not define "Mobile Web" in the same way as Wikipedia. So, help out the poor curious reader and explain.

  2. Kevin Hunt from SpotXchange, INC., December 10, 2012 at 3:55 p.m.

    The end of "mobile web"? I took a second read of the linked article as I agree with Gregg Hamilton form AdGooroo - I don't see how you make the leap in this headline to what's presented in the Online Media Daily post by Mark Walsh.

    Additionally I'm not so sure that publishers need to make a mobile specific site for a tablet. I have always been under the impression that that is what the tablet is for. To enjoy the same site you always visit but with the freedom of a tablet.

  3. Maryanne Conlin from RedRopes Digital/4GreenPs, December 11, 2012 at 9:30 a.m.

    I see the point exactly! Tablets often default to the mobile version of a website, even though, as pointed out...why do you need mobile web on a Tablet? The whole developing different UI for mobile has been a pain. I agree- the mobile web has been an interim technology.

  4. Brian Allen from Altitude Digital Partners, December 11, 2012 at 2:04 p.m.

    I think this may be the silliest thing I have ever heard. I wonder if keyboards are going to become extinct as well?
    The web is not going away by any means, and the mobile access to it is only getting better.This starts with the basic design principals, eliminate clutter, and simplify the user interaction. If publishers designed web sites and user interfaces as if there were only the tablet interface the world would be a cleaner place. USAToday.com has done a great job of testing the waters for a mobile first design theory. With the design of the the web interface to be both desktop oriented, and mobile styled the user can enjoy the site from any screen.
    Long live the Mobile Web... and keyboards.

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