NY Post: Time Warner Cable Gets Tough With Niche Channels

  • December 27, 2012

Time Warner Cable has been flexing its muscles during contract renewal negotiations with several less-popular channels, including IFC and WE TV, insisting that they "forfeit their usual subscriber fees while they work to improve their ratings," according to a source cited by the New York Post's Claire Atkinson. Time Warner has already severed relations with arts and music channel Ovation, and "several sources say NuvoTV, an English-language cable channel targeting Hispanics, is also getting booted from digital basic as part of a realignment of Time Warner Cable’s programming tiers," writes Atkinson.

1 comment about "NY Post: Time Warner Cable Gets Tough With Niche Channels".
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  1. Edmund Singleton from Winstion Communications, December 28, 2012 at 3:13 p.m.

    I know I would give some niche channels a second look if it were not for their on-screen logo that keep getting in the way and up staging the program...

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