Marketers continue to view Google+
as a fledgling network requiring experimentation, although the company released a revamped social application for Android that integrates with Google Play, along with features that improve support for
photos, location, and streams.
Google continues to push Google+ into all its services. Still, the social site remains the biggest emerging network that marketers don't often consider, Fahad Khan, chairman and CEO of One Public, a digital marketing software company, told OMMA Social attendees during a panel Monday.
An informal Reuters survey found that of the 100 most valuable global brands in 2012, only 72 have a presence on Google+ compared with 87 on Facebook. The news organization cites Nielsen Media Research estimating the average U.S. visitor to Google+ spent 6 minutes, 47 seconds on the site in March 2013, versus more than 6 hours on Facebook. The data does not include activity on the social networks' mobile apps.
Fledgling site Pinterest generates $1.50 revenue per visit, where about 80% of clicks occur from organic content, compared with 90 cents from Facebook. When a consumer chooses to select one in the sea of images, and then clicks again through to the landing page, it's a very qualified click, said Sharad Verma, Piqora CEO and founder.
Brands tend to trust larger and more established companies like Google when it comes to technical platform changes and challenges, but in this case more continue to turn toward Facebook. Yahoo's Tumblr acquisition could pull more brands away from Google.
Local communities and adoption bolsters the value of social interactions. Android adoption rates will determine the big, scary picture for Facebook. Facebook Home reached close to 1 million downloads earlier in May, but Google expects about 900 million Android activations this year.