
Search Haiku - 2013 Edition

Some have compared writing paid search copy to the ancient art of haiku. It can be tough to assemble a coherent message, much less pop off the page, in 95 characters. But, if you think that’s hard, try doing it with rhymes!
Ever the glutton for punishment, I decided it was time to lay down another installment of search haiku. Be sure to catch up on my versions from 2006, 2009, and 2010.

Fortunately, this time I can use .anything in my display URLs, thanks to the new gTLDs. Maybe by the next time I do one of these columns, we’ll be able to use hashtags in search ads! #epic

SEM Times
So much happening in our world,
Head on swivel, round and twirled.
"Multi-Device Marketing"
Those who figured it out are liars,
You can't just set bid multipliers.
Penguin 2.0 Strikes
Google found black hats we've worn,
Took away more advertorials & porn.
900 Million Activations
Own the OS and own the SERP,
Gotta break default like a perp.
Mapping the Future
Local search is not just a phase,
One billion is a bargain for Waze.
Now More Than Ever
The right info at the right time,
Google Now can finish my rhyme.
Watch Where You Search
Yet another way to make a pass,
We all look good thru Google Glass.
The Social Network+
Never rode a Wave or caught a Buzz,
But those didn't help SEO, G+ does.
Pay to Play with PLA
The free ride is over for retail,
Pay up for Google Shopping or fail.
Not the Only Game in Town
Searching for commercial intent?
Amazon's got Product Ads to rent.
King of First-Party Data
eBay Ad Targeting is a good bet,
Follow shoppers all around the net.
Surface-level Competition
MSFT search, too little too late?
Not with Bing inside Xbox and Win8.
Mayer On a Roll
Reviving Flickr, buying Tumblr,
Marissa's ball, do not fumble her.
Mining for Gold in Graph
What's a better signal than a link?
A like, of course, what'd ya think?
PPC ROI, oh my
Between Custom Audiences and FBX,
FB can perform up to search specs.
Short and Tweet…
Twitter now can target keywords,
Fulfilling dreams of search nerds.
Siri-ous Advertising
Outside iAd, Apple's been quiet,
But it could quickly start a riot.
Plenty of Runway Ahead
It's a great time to be in search,
Watch it unfold from our PPC perch.



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