While it seems everyone has been saying that TV dollars will move online, and the addition of Nielsen Online Campaign Ratings (OCR) for online video has helped make that true, TubeMogul still sees a problem. The issue, in TubeMogul's eyes, is that Nielsen OCR is a reporter tool, not a planning one, so digital advertisers have been left with slow and costly methods of manual trial and error. So, what's the plan to bring more TV dollars online?
TubeMogul believes they have the answer in BrandPoint, a new tool meant for brands and agencies to buy digital video advertising on a cost per gross rating point (GRP) basis. The self-serve tool is integrated with Nielsen OCR data, which means buyers can select their targeted audience using Nielsen's data. The company claims BrandPoint is the first tool of its kind.
“We know from a consumer standpoint that viewers are watching everywhere,” stated Rob Bochicchio, executive vice president of broadcast investment at ID Media, a collaborator on the development of the product. “BrandPoint gives us a platform to be able to plan and report that way."
Michael Baliber, senior vice president of digital at ID Media, stated, "At the end of the day, we have to prove to our brands that online video makes sense, and this gets us
further down that path."