
Viewers 'Pulling' It All In

We live in a “pull” society, according to Gary Reisman, CEO, NewMediaMetrics. The consumer pulls to them what’s important through on-demand services, whether DVR, Netflix, or OTT servics. Increasingly, what draws the viewer is emotional attachment. Reisman’s analytics quantify emotional attachment by measuring people’s unwillingness to give up something like a program or brand on 0-11 scale.( It goes to 11!) People who are emotionally attached, act, said Reisman, meaning they’ll follow a program, participate in social media discussions, and DVR it.

Case in point is a show like “Breaking Bad,” which consumers increasingly “pulled” to them through on-demand viewing over the course of its run. Reisman said 38% of the show’s increased viewing this season was because that content was available on Netlfix. “That made the TV experience even stronger,” he noted, making the season finale must-watch viewing for millions of people.

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