
Video Tips For Marketers' Shift To Branded Content

Branded content has quickly become more vital to marketers, and now about 79% of them say they are shifting into this area. Many are staking their claim via video, says online video platform Ooyala in a new report.

That shift is occurring because of the overall growth in digital as well as in mobile usage, with consumers relying on their phones as a step in the shopping process.

Many consumers research products on their phones. Ooyala found 68% of consumer respondents said they research on their smartphones -- and 35% of that group purchase on a smartphone, 21% on a tablet, 28% on a laptop and 37% in store. Similarly, 67% of consumers research products on a tablet. These figures underscore the potential marketplace for branded content: consumers are hunting for information about products and services.

As an online video platform, Ooyala has skin in the game. With that in mind, the company outlined some tips for brands wanting to develop branded video. First, use a mix of brand videos as well as product and social videos. Second, make sure the videos work across all devices, since consumers are accessing videos from different platforms.



Because consumers often search product information in digital venues, make sure there is an option to purchase via a “buy now” or “click to buy” button. According to Digitas, consumers are 64% to 85% more likely to purchase after watching a product video. Last, be sure to analyze and measure how product videos convert into sales, whether consumer prefer longer or shorter content, and what type of information consumers want.

“A consumer might view an ad on her mobile phone in the morning, and see a product video on his/her desktop at work before making a purchase on an iPad that night. All of this information can help you meet or exceed your marketing objectives,” Ooyala said in the report.

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