With the 2014 U.S. midterm elections just around the corner, Targeted Victory, a data management platform (DMP) focused on Republican political media campaigns, is making the old new again.
The company this week announced that it is giving clients access to the Romney-Ryan Presidential campaign audiences from 2012. Specifically, the audience profiles are comprised of Romney-Ryan campaign donors.
“Many of the voters who supported the Romney-Ryan campaign in 2012 are still active in 2014 and will be for many cycles to come,” stated TargetedVictory co-founder Michael Beach. “These audiences are incredibly valuable, and will make strong additions to the portfolio of audiences available to Targeted Engagement (the self-serve platform) users and TargetedVictory (full-service) clients.”
The company is allowing marketers -- presumably political candidates -- to target 20 Romney-Ryan audiences, including “premium major donors” (donors who gave over $500 to the Romney-Ryan campaign), “grassroots donors,” “e-commerce donors” and others.