NEW! Saucony's New 'Seeker' Campaign From Mechanica

sauconyWhat do an astronomer, a chef and a former pro soccer player have in common? They’re the seekers and runners featured in Seeker, Saucony’s newest global brand campaign, developed by ad shop Mechanica. The new multimedia campaign posits that “you can’t find your strong if you’re not looking for it.” The campaign, Saucony’s largest marketing effort to date, is a continuation of the brand’s Find Your Strong initiative with a further call to action: Be a “seeker” and unlock−more than a faster time or a slower heart rate−the transformative power of running. The campaign features four short vignettes that profile a series of Seekers who each use running to find their personal “strong.” For astronomer Michelle Collins, running around Hawaii’s Mauna Kea Observatory gives her the space to unlock the mysteries of outer space. For Chef Eduardo Garcia, sprinting through the Montana wilderness allows him to forage for his passion−the planet’s wildest ingredients. And former pro-footballer Mark Logan, in his quest to see the world, is running a life-changing road-trip up the Pacific Coast. The first story in the Seeker series will launch May 6 at Saucony re-appointed Mechanica as its creative agency of record last September.



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