Simulmedia Extends Audience Delivery Guarantee, Will Benchmark Against Digital Too

During its second PeopleFront in New York Wednesday afternoon, Simulmedia announced it will extend its audience delivery guarantees to include their performance against customer’s digital advertising mix, as well.

Since early March, Simulmedia has been guaranteeing marketers and agencies explicit returns on their advertising based on delivering their actual audience targets on television vs. the delivery with their conventional TV advertising campaigns.

The enhanced guaranteed will now guarantee those outcomes based on delivery against their digital advertising campaigns as well as TV.

Simulmedia said the new guarantees, which are effective immediately, will work similar to its initial program: For $1 million placed on its audience network for one month, Simulmedia will guarantee a higher “return on ad spend against any advertiser's audience targeting outcome as compared to their concurrent TV advertising and digital base campaigns.

"We are going to change the media conversation to business outcomes by showing that TV audience targeting can and will impact sales and revenue better than traditionally targeted TV or online or mobile advertising," Simulmedia Founder-CEO Dave Morgan vowed, adding, "We will guarantee to outperform against any business outcome advertisers choose, from direct matching of TV ad impressions against a universe of credit card and debit transactions by over 60 million U.S. households - to directly matching TV or digital ad impression viewing data to an advertiser’s first-party customer data (e.g. customer transaction records, CRM, loyalty card, web/mobile data) using privacy compliant best practices."

The expanded program will provide traditional media output metrics but also directly measure the impact of the TV and digital ad exposures vs. audience targeting on marketers' most important business outcomes, the company said.

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  1. Robin Solis from, April 17, 2015 at 2:48 p.m.


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