Looking for a common currency for TV and video platforms? Not so fast.
Speaking at OMMA Programmatic TV & Video conference, Jeff Hinz, managing partner of U.S. director director of Mediacom USA:
"I don’t think you need a common currency because of different platforms…. We’ll run media campaigns where we have a mix of cost per click, cost per view, CPM, and then a fix costs across digital tactics. But everything does have to roll up to metrics that are performance base. The biggest challenge: What is the proxy for ROI -- moving from a CPM to actual sale."
Melissa Kihara, Global VP of TV & Video, Xaxis said: “While I agree with Jeff fully that we will not have a common currency among video products, the reality is that in order to transact on such large buys globally the procurement departments and regulators want some third party, no skin in the game, measurement system that will allow us to say, ‘Yes, this ad was delivered and delivery against an audience.”
Christopher Chobanian, director of analytics, of DDB: “One of big challenges is what are the core business metrics that they can sort of use as common currency across the entire eco-sytem. The other big thing: How do I create a more flexible content strategy that channel agnostic and channel specific?”