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Q&A With Flashtalking CEO Nardone

  • eMarketer, Friday, September 4, 2015 3:59 PM

eMarketer has posted a Q&A with John Nardone, CEO of ad server and online ad tech platform Flashtalking. Nardone discussed programmatic trends, including data co-ops among publishers and the convergence of adtech and martech. Nardone is the former CEO of [x+1]. 

When asked about some of the broader programmatic trends he’s seen this year, Nardone said: “There’s an inevitability of programmatic overtaking more of the spend on the ad tech side and more of the interactions on the martech side. The idea that data in real time should be driving interactions is something that almost every marketer has bought into and accepted. Though there’s a desire to do it, the biggest challenge marketers face today is getting there.”

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