According to the Ascend2 and Dun & Bradstreet NetProspex's report “Email Marketing Trends, B2B Benchmarks for 2015” marketers can leverage the Email marketing channel to engage with customers in nearly every part of the customer lifecycle. 91% of respondents consider their email marketing somewhat or very successful at achieving company goals.
60% of the 195 B2B business, marketing, and sales professionals surveyed, use email to boost engagement; additional main objectives include:
Todd Lebo, partner and CMO of Ascend2, opines that “… probably the primary reason why [email has] been so effective in a variety of areas like engagement is because most marketers are following best practices [of] opt-in email marketing, so people want to engage with them… ”
73% of professionals consider the click-through rate the most useful metric when measuring email marketing performance. Conversion rate came in a close second at 71%; open rate and email ROI, the next top contenders, significantly trailed behind at 42% and 40%, respectively.
Although the click-through rate is the favored metric, it's also one of email marketing's greatest hurdles. In fact:
While 41% of professionals say their click-through rates are increasing:
Lebo says “… it's hard to get people's attention… the secret to a successful email strategy… ensuring that it's customer focused… “
According to the report, including a meaningful call-to-action offer is the most effective way to increase click-through rates for 65% of professionals. Respondents also cite:
The most effective tactics can often be the most challenging to implement, says the report. And the numbers agree, says the report:
The report concludes recommending focusing more on list quality and less on list quantity. Lebo says “… as you (pursue) click-through rates… you can have a smaller list… much more targeted… much more engaged… a much higher value… have the patience to build a program… “
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